Sun Trine Pluto • Ego Death

This chart was casted using Time Nomad.

This chart was casted using Time Nomad.

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Sun in Virgo Trine Pluto in Capricorn

As the Sun finishes out its final trek through Virgo season, the personal planets Venus and Mercury have already made its way through Libra. Mars finally joins this week, making a mutual reception with Venus as they journey through each other’s respective domains.

Big outer planetary powerhouses, Pluto and Uranus, have been trudging through extremely earthy Capricorn and Taurus, influencing a transformation of epic proportions through our physical realm. With the Sun reaching 24° in Virgo, it makes an exact trine to Pluto at 24° Capricorn. Connections between the Sun, representative of our ego and life force, and Pluto, the planet associated with power and transformation, gives us a sense of regeneration. Themes of control and authority plays a part during this time.

As the Moon and Saturn connect during this time, Venus is also applying a square to them. When focusing on our relationships this season, this conjunction will allow us to embrace our emotions in a clearer, less watery, less moodier state. Saturn gives us discipline all the while Venus leads our words and actions. This square brings us the challenges we need to confront in our relationships (professional or romantic) and bring to a close… it’s the perfect time to establish yourself before Mercury moves into its shadow period in a couple of weeks.

I feel like Virgo season always gets everyone into a hurried frenzy, and for some people, with some uneasy feelings. Now that we are approaching Libra season, also with Venus in intimate Scorpio, we are finally slowing down. There’s a reason why we call Libra season “cuffing season” 😌! But, not without a little bit of the last of mercurial chaos first.

Take care of yourselves.


Cambodian Astrologer.

Priestess of Pleasure.


Let’s Learn a Lil about Scorpio Risings! 🤍


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