Mars Trine Pluto • An Unearthing

⚡️ An Unearthing ⚡️
February 24th, 2021
6:00 PM PST

Mars has been traveling in Taurus since January, giving everyone a steadfast build-up sort of energy. It is now reaching towards the end of its transit through the earthy realms, not first without making a connection with the lord of the underworld, Pluto, who had been making his way through Capricorn.

Today both Mars and Pluto make an exact trine at 25°, giving us a luxurious taste of what it’s like when putting their powerful combined energy to use. Mars in Taurus gives us the motivation to make some cautious decisions whilst receiving that confidential Plutonian control, whatever we set out to do today, we do it with an unmistakable desire and satisfaction.

Combining this with Jupiter connecting with the Lunar Nodes, I consider this a destiny-making week.

We’re all so hungry, bloodthirsty...
Be careful about becoming mortal.
I want it all...
Let me make you money.
— Vōx, ‘Money’

Cambodian Astrologer.

Priestess of Pleasure.


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